about difference

Difference is an important thing. It's what keeps the world going round, it gives life spice, it makes existing fun.
It'd be boring if everyone'd be the same, if nothing new happened each day, wouldn't it?
Why question and shun and fight differences instead of embracing and accepting them?

All are different, but not unequal; everyone is human, and thus deserve to be treated as such, with love, food, shelter, freedom of thought and expression, all the good stuff.
Aside from that, everyone is different in many ways; ≠ country of origin, ≠ age, ≠ weight, ≠ gender identity, ≠ color of skin, ≠ religion, a bunch of stuff.

But none of that matters. Because we're all people.

→ Everyone is equal and different, but not more or less than anyone else.

A bit confusing, but i hope you get it.