fulepõhiné /fu.leˌpõ.hiˈnɛ/

a crappy first attempt at conlanging ..... back to folder


consonants labial alveolar post-
palatal velar glottal
nasal m n nj /ɲ/
stop p b t k g ' /ʔ/
affricate ts tś /tʃ/
dź /dʒ/
fricative f v s z ś /ʃ/
ź /ʒ/
h /h~x/
approximant w l j
vowels front back
close i u
close- mid e o
open- mid é /ɛ/ ó /ɔ/
open a

ti = tś /tʃi/; om != /õ/; ol = ó /ɔ/;
no voiced consonant at the end of words


[part indicator] [root] [modifiers]

a- subject tan-because of X
pa- verb predicate plen-while/during X
va- adjective/noun
predicate (to be)
wa-possessed by X
za- imperative fa-in the manner
of/like X
de- object źa-which X
(relative clause
tśa-(relative clause
tsu-located at X
If the part indicator represents a whole other sentence, repeat the last vowel preceded by a glottal stop: ta'an, ple'en, wa'a, fa'a...


1st person (s) 2nd person (p) 3rd person (t)
singular (a) sapata
plural (exclusive) (os) sospoto
plural (inclusive) (o) so