starting ramblings



hello there fellow internet enjoyer.
nice to have you here. very nice in fact.

just earlier today i had another idea to redesign the site completely, with a black background (again) and this time based on this circular design.
which gave me anxiety, because it hasn't even been a single month since i redesigned this site for the 5th time, if i'm not mistaken.
in fact, this reminded me of the whole purpose this site once had: a place for me to make something pretty, no matter how much different or simple or complex it was.
and... it kinda lives on in the few differently styled pages. but not much.
and i've questioned whether this whole thing of different pages having different styles was a good idea.
...even though other sites like does this, and very well might i add.

i suppose every page has their uniquenesses.
...uniquenesses. that's a lot of s's.
ahem anyways, this website.

it's grown. i don't know really how much it's grown but it has grown.
and i've never really liked the idea of keeping a blog, probably because i'd forget about it like i've forgotten about this whole website several times...
but, alongside the circular design idea, i had another idea for a list layout that i realized could work for a blog! it's simple and effective.
i guess that's what this whole site is about, using little simple things and making the most out of them.
and i don't really know how well that's worked tbh.

...what am i even rambling on about...
i guess this blog should start somewhere, and semicoherent ramblings about this site and others seems like a good place to start.
one thing that i've learned from making this site is about accessibility.
i already had miniscule experience with typography but just enough to know that some fonts and color combinations are more legible than others.
some times the legibility has taken a back stand to looks but, overall accessibility is one of the main goals of this site.

the moment it hit me straight in the head was mobile compatibility and responsive layouts.
very very big thanks to natalie for teaching many things about this, but before i didn't know the @media rule, em units, min() and max() and many other things that i'm probably forgetting.
probably because the way i learned CSS and HTML was just looking up videos and documentation and basically brute force.
i guess i just like figuring out and doing things myself.
if it worked, it was good enough, good coding practices be damned.
mobile just wasn't in my mind when making this site.
but with the latest redesign i made it mobile-first (mostly), so that it looks at least decent on mobile.

i guess that's a strength with simpler layouts, it's more maluable.
i suppose this is it for now.
if you want to see more about how this site was made, you can have a look at the misc folder and journal.
these are the main places where i'll be talking about this site.
this blog is meant to be about other stuff i like. if i ever feel like talking about it here.
and i suppose this site is just a place for me to put pretty things i think look nice to the world. maybe someone else likes it too.

ok it's time to finish this off. thank you for reading this far!
have a good day!

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