#1: the basics

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Alright! Let's start off with the very absolute basics of saying things in toki pona.
In super dumb basic terms, a sentence can be divided into 2 (sometimes 3) main bits:

Let's see an example in English:

John eats an apple.

John is the main actor, his action is eating and what he eats is an apple!

(btw, the main order used in English is SVO (subject verb object), but other languages (actually most of them!) may use other orders of things)

In toki pona, it works much the same way (in SVO order too!), but here, the different phrase bits are separated by 2 particles:

li: comes before the predicate

e: comes before the object (if there is one)

[subject] li [verb] (e [object])

Since we're just starting, i'll give you some words to start off with, some of them you already know (if you looked at the intro first):

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