sona sitelen pi toki pona


Hi! This project aims to showcase the structural grammar of toki pona (how words are put together in a way that gives them the meaning you want); showcase that visually!
This is not meant as a course for learning toki pona from scratch, because it's very obviously incomplete and doesn't teach a few words per page. If you want to learn the meanings of the words, I recommend lipamanka's semantic space dictionary for detailed analyses, and lipu Linku for words that aren't in the dictionary or uncommon words/nimisin.
mute ante li pali e lipu-ni e sitelenĀ· sitelen-pona la lipamanka li pali e nasin+sitelen

  1. sentence structure

  2. modifiers and pi

  3. preverbs and prepositions

  4. questions and anu

  5. taso and la