
You look closer at the sticky notes at the wall.

wow these are old h
What do i know
I wonder if anyone's ever come down here
You should have. But you didn't.
why do i exist if not for others
oh thats what love means
Why do songs keep getting stuck in my head...
Hate only brings you hate.
This site is driving me nuts
people pleaser
being good feels good.
"est. 2022" that's gonna sound slightly cool in a couple months
well it worked, didn't it?
I don't know if adding that guestbook was a good idea
How do people care about me so much
It feels cozy down here.
I don't know how many people have visited this site!
just cant think it through we're stuck in a loop
Thoughts are nice, calm and collected.
i feel small :/
Why am i never satisfied
stop giving me reasons
Who cares about the future if i can't feel good today
A boat in the middle of nowhere, a non-euclidean midnight train and an empty office building.
This product causes cancer
then stop selling it h
Oh, when july arrives~
when will it be my turn? what will they think?
Thinking optional.
We're feeling pretty loopy today huh?
sticky notes on a wall