
You enter the room and see many 3d rendered images framed on walls, lit up by lights like a museum exposition. Each is marked by the expo name with the number of images in parentheses. And beside you is an information plaque.

read the plaque

Hi! These are (most) of the things i've done in blender over the last while. The original files are 1920x1080 (bigger even than my own display lol), so they're 400x225 to save your bandwidth at least a little bit.
Also these images (and this site) are licensed under CC0!
Most of these series weren't made in one sitting, mostly over months of suddenly wanting to do that one thing again.
You can see how many images each page has next to the link, so if your internet isn't too good, maybe these won't be the fastest loading times...

a handdrawn sphere casting a shadow