Currently the biggest notebook on the bookshelf.

broken marionnette


a cute wolf and a cool guy


(1.1) cute dog named charlie

(1.2) charlie and a girl

(1.3) distrught charlie

(1.4) very distraught charlie

a guy float walking and arrows, made to Fade Out by Radiohead

guy laying on the ground, with a puppet

head is empty

pierced sphere

(2.1) heterogeneity

(2.2) the white guilt is starting to show

death again

tall creature looks down upon someone

(3.1) roundish shapes that kinda look like the nbc logo, and start of a botanical exploration

(3.2) sap flow through a leaf

(3.3) teardrop orange leaves

(3.4) guy hugging leaf. memories

(3.5) brown, orange, green and white leaves, changing with seasons

(3.6) he knows what you're thinking. he remembers your guilt. don't you dare erase him.

stuck in a cup where no one can hear me

oh are you afraid the answer will be no?

tape them up

4 arrows coming to a point in a pretty way

floating person in a long dress

barbed arrow

(2.3) different but equal;
“are people just gonna think of this as an attempt at making me seem less racist but see right through... it isn't!
“i just felt like putting a drawing of a POC in the [unreadable] was the right thing to do!”
“white person trying to defend themselves... ugh.”

The Pose

i think i'll just lay down here...

peeking behind a wall, looking in

guy in a jacket!

(2.4) difference of thought

experiment with neat color scheme. purple sky.


(2.5) “don't tell us what to think.
“stop putting words on our mouths.”

laminar arrows out of a tube, spewing you out

tall spear casting a shadow, major tourist destination. no one knows how this came to be.

laying down with an orb above my feet (this used to be in the homepage)

(1.5) wide oval eyes and charlie again.

“i guess i just have a big bunch of drawings... that's about all i can say about them”

“oh so it was fake.”

i still suck at drawing shadows

(3.6) sinusoidal tree scape

(1.6) charlie's sad again, who hurt him

(3.7) someone else's nostalgia

sad floating person

(3.8) carnivorous flower

art-deco looking circular patterns that look like they belong in a carpet

neat flowing leaves in the previous doodle

(3.9) carnivorous flower and heat-seeking flowers coming from a pyramid

reef knot

demon wagging its tail

person thinking, person blushing, person flying

(3.10) person in a replica of the carnivorous flower. or at least i hope it's just a replica

(1.7) a bunch of cool doodles including another charlie

dazed (i think i uploaded this to deviantart)

(4.1) creature with pointy ears and round body. i'll call them kalyn

(4.2) kalyn likes the jacket

(4.3) more kalyn, they're fun to draw

geometric fox

guy in scratchy texture

sad guy walking

guy in a nice polo


cute tuxedo guy!!! i love tuxedos

(3.11) conical flower

scratchy experiments with oval eyes

more experiments with oval eyes and head shapes