
jan mute li lon
jan mute ni li ante
jan ale li toki e ni:
  ante ni li suli ala
  jan li ante la ona li ike ala
many people exist
these people are different
these people say this:
  these differences aren't important
  if people are different, they aren't bad

taso ma li toki e ijo ante
sina ante la jan ante li pilin e ni:
  sina ike
but the world says something else.
if you are different, other people feel this:
  you are bad.

tenpo ni en tenpo pini pi suli mute la
kule selo li ante pi suli mute.
jan mute la
  jan pi selo walo li pona
  jan pi selo pimeja li ike
now and for long in the past,
skin color is a very important difference.
for many people,
  lighter skinned people are good
  darker skinned people are good

mi toki e ni kepeken nimi lili la
toki ni li ike lukin mute
sina ken toki insa e ni:
  jan li ante la ona li ike ala
taso, tenpo mute la sina sona ala e toki insa sina
toki insa pi sona ala li suli mute
toki insa ni li pali e nasin
pali mute mute sina li lon nasin ni
taso sina sona ala e ni!
because i'm saying this with few words,
this sounds really bad.
you can think:
  if people are different, they aren't bad
but, a lot of the time, you don't know your thoughts
unconscious thougts are really important
these thoughts make up systems
a lot of your actions follow these systems
but you don't know them!

kulupu li pana e nasin ni tawa sina
sina jan pi lili mute mute la kulupu li ni
kulupu li ni lon tenpo ale
  lon tomo pi pana sona
  lon tomo pali
  lon tomo sina
  lon sitelen tawa
  lon linluwi
  lon ale.
communities give this doctrine to you
communities do this when you're really really young
communities do this all the time
  in schools
  in workplaces
  in your home
  in movies and TV
  in the internet

taso sina sona ala e ni!
sina la nasin kulupu li pona tan ni
jan ale li nasin ni!
but you don't know this!
because of this, this system (racism) seems good to you
everyone follows racism!

taso nasin ni li ike
nasin ni li lon jan ale la
nasin ni li ike suli a!
but this system is bad
because this system is in everyone,
this system is really bad!

nasin ni li ken lon nasin tu tu
  lon toki insa
  lon toki kulupu
  lon tomo kulupu
  lon nasin kulupu a
this system can exist in 4 ways:
  in internal thoughts
  in communication
  in community structures
  in community doctrines!

mi toki e nasin ike lon toki insa sina
pona la sina ken ante li ken pini e ni!
i talked about racism in your thoughts
the best is that you can change and end them!

o sona e ni: jan pi selo pimeja li ike ala!
ona li jan sama sina
  li ken pilin sama sina
  li ken toki sama sina
understand this: dark skin people aren't bad!
they are people like you
they can feel like you
they can communicate like you

jan pi selo pimeja li lon tomo esun la
jan li lon poka ona
li pilin e ni:
  ona li lanpan la mi o pini e ni!
when black people are in a shop,
people follow them
and feel this:
  if they steal, i can stop them!

taso, tan pi pilin ni li nasin ike
toki ni li ni e jan pi selo pimeja:
  ona li pilin ike
    li pilin monsuta a
nasin ike li pilin monsuta e jan ale!
but, people that feel this are of a bad system (racist)
this statement does this to black people:
  they feel bad
  and feel afraid
racism makes everyone feel afraid!

toki insa ike li ken lon pali sina a
jan pi selo pimeja li lon la sina weka
ona li lukin "ike" li toki "ike" tawa sina la sina toki ike tawa ona
bad internal thoughts can exist in your actions
when black people are near, you walk away
when they look "wrongly" or speak "wrongly" to you, you scold them

pali ike ni li ike suli e jan pi selo pimeja.
taso nasin ike ni li ken lon toki uta!
sina ken toki uta e ijo pi nasin ni
these bad actions really hurt black people.
but racism can occur in your words!
you can speak racist things

tenpo ni la jan mute mute li toki uta e nasin ni
ken la tan li ni:
ona li toki uta e nasin ni la ona li pilin pi ike ala a!
jan ante li toki ike ala tawa ona
  li wile ala pona e ona
a lot of people right now are saying racist things
maybe this is why:
when they say something racist, they don't feel bad!
others don't scold them
  or correct them

ni li ike suli kin
jan li toki ala la
ijo ala li ante
  li kama pona
this is also very bad
when people stay shut,
nothing changes
nothing gets better

sina kute li lukin e ijo pi nasin ni la...
taso, sina pona e ona la, pilin ona li kama wawa
  li kama awen a
ona li wile ala ante
ona li toki e ni:
  "mi jan ike ala la mi ken ala nasin ni"
  "ma ni li ike ala li nasin ni ala"
  e ijo ante a
when you hear racist things...
but when you correct them, their emotions become strong
  and protective!
they don't want to change
they say this:
  "i'm not a bad person so i can't be racist"
  "this country is good, it isn't racist"
  and other things

ona li pilin pona la o toki tawa ona
  o toki tawa pilin ona a
when they feel better, talk to them
  talk to their feelings

mi toki e lon tu pi nasin ike ni; lon tu ante li suli mute
i've talked about two ways of racism; the other 2 are very important

tenpo pini la mi toki e ni:
  toki pi nasin ni li lon ALE a
  nasin ni li ken lon pali sina kin a
i said this:
  words of racism are everywhere!
  and racism can exist in your actions too

lon la, tomo kulupu li ken lon e nasin ni
... mi toki e ni:
tomo sina pi pana sona
  en tomo pali sina
  en tomo awen pi jan ike
  en tomo lawa
  en esun tomo li nasin ni
actually, community structures (institutions) can manifest racism
... i'm saying:
your schools,
  and your workplaces
  and jails
  and the government/state
  and housing perpeturate racism

tomo kulupu li pana ala e tomo pona pi pana sona tawa jan pi selo pimeja
  e pali pi mani mute
ni la jan ni li ken ala lon tomo pona
institutions don't give black people good schools
  or well-paying jobs
so they can't have good homes

ona li jo e jaki sijelo la tomo li pona ala e ona
tomo awen pi jan ike la jan pi selo pimeja li lon suli
tomo lawa la sitelen tawa la jan pi selo pimeja li lon lili
jan pi selo pimeja li lon sitelen tawa la
  ona li lon ike
  ona li lon sitelen tawa musi la
  ona li jan lanpan li jan ike
    li jan pi sona ala
when they get sick, clinics don't heal them
in jails, black people are very present
in government, black people are not present
when black people are in TV,
  they are shown as evil
  when they're in movies,
  they're the thieves, the villains
  they are ignorant

sitelen tawa li toki ike e jan pi selo pimeja
tomo kulupu ale li pona ala e lon pi jan pimeja
TV and movies represent black people badly
all institutions don't help black people's lives

taso... ona taso li sona e ni
  li sona e ike ni
  li sona e pakala ni
jan pi selo walo li sona ala e ni
  li wile ala sona e ni
but... only these structures know this
  only they know this evil
  only they know this damage
white people don't know this
  and don't want to know this

jan pi selo walo li jo e tomo pona pi pana sona
  li jo e pali pi mani mute
  li ken jo e tomo pona
  li pona lon sitelen tawa
  li lon tomo lawa
white people have good schools
  and well-paying jobs
  and can easily have good homes
  and are well represented in TV
  and are in the government

jan pi selo walo li pali ike la
ona li tawa ala tomo awen
jan pi selo pimeja li ni la
ona li tawa tomo awen
when white people do bad things,
they don't go to jail
when black people do the same,
they do go to jail

jan lawa li moli e ona
lon tenpo suli suli suli
taso jan pi selo walo li sona ala e ni
the leaders have killed black people
for a really long time
but white people don't know this

jan li lukin e moli kepeken ilo
  li pana linluwi e sitelen la
la jan li sona
la jan li toki wawa
taso toki wawa ni li pini lon tenpo lili
moli pi jan pimeja li awen
when people see the death with their phones
  and share them online
then people do know
and people complain a lot
but this complaining ends quickly
the killing of black people keeps happening

nasin ni li ike suli
  li lon jan ale
  li lon kulupu ale
  li lon tomo kulupu ale
  li lon.
this system (racism) is very evil
  and is in everyone
  and is in all communities
  and is in all institutions
  and exists.

kulupu ni la nasin ike ni li lon
nasin ike ni li kon kulupu.
tomo kulupu ale pi toki mi li ike e lon pi jan pimeja ale
tan pi ike ni ale li nasin ike
this evil system exists in our community
this evil system is the soul, a backbone of communities.
all institutions i mentioned ruin all black people's lives
the reason for these pains is the racist system

jan o pini e nasin ni
people must end racism

taso... nasin pini li seme?
toki linluwi taso li pona ala a
sina jo e wawa
(sina jo e selo walo la kulupu ni la sina jo e wawa mute)
la o kepeken e wawa sina!
  o toki tawa jan lawa pi kulupu sina
  o pana e sona pi nasin ike ni
  o awen toki o awen pana
but... how do we end it?
just internet talk isn't good
you have power
(if you have light skin in this society, you have a lot of power)
so, use your power!
  talk to the leaders of your community
  give them the knowledge of racism
  keep talking, keep giving

nasin ike ni li lon suli la
pini ona li wile e tenpo suli kin
since racism is in a lot of places,
its finish will need a lot of time as well

kin la, o sona e ni:
toki mi li ale ala
mi jan pi selo walo la mi sona ala e ale
ni la mi en sina o kama sona!
  o kute e jan pi selo pimeja tan ni:
    ona li sona e lon ona
      e pilin ona
also, please know this:
what i've said isn't everything
i'm white, so i don't know everything
so me and you must learn!
  listen to black people because
    they know their lives
      and their emotions

jan li wile ante e kulupu la
ona o pali suli o awen ni
aif people want to change communities
they must work hard and keep doing it