cvni81's website

Hi! Welcome to my corner of the web where i put stuff i like, stuff i do and other things too!
Making this website has been really fun, and i hope you like having a gander at it.
This thing has been pretty much always in construction since i've started it, so things may appear and disappear from time to time. It's normal around here i guess.
Make yourself at home!
Also: they/them, pt-br, en, tok, <18yo

discord: @cvni81#4837

about .......... stuff about me
musicians .......... good music people
websites .......... cool websites i've collected

words .......... poems and other things
blender .......... stuff i've made in blender
doodles .......... stuff i draw
misc .......... other things

buttons .......... links to other websites
guestbook .......... say hi!
sitelog .......... changes to the site